The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women takes place every year on November 25. On this occasion, the association Le Manteau de Saint-Martin will organize a preview at the Sandy Ground cinema.
The film "The Suffragettes" with Carey Mulligan, Helena Bonham Carter and Meryl Streep will be screened on November 27 at 19:30 pm at the cinema, followed by a debate with a lawyer and a psychologist. Since 2014, the association has been fighting violence against women who “constitute one of the human rights violations”. The members have also created a “listening area”, located in Concordia to combat “all forms of violence”, emphasizes Le Manteau. “Each year, more than 216 women aged 000 to 18 are victims of physical or sexual violence from their former or current partner. 59 women indicate that they have been victims of rape or attempted rape, and 86% of them file complaints, ”notes the association.
Movie synopsis
“At the start of the last century in England, women decided to fight for the right to vote. In response to their demands, the government's reactions are more and more brutal and force them to go underground for an increasingly radical struggle. Since peaceful protests have come to nothing, so-called suffragettes end up using violence to make their voices heard. ” The film will be released in France on Wednesday.
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