As we announced to you yesterday, the elected officials of the Saint-Martin executive received a delegation from the “Têtes ensemble” collective, at the end of last week. This meeting gave rise to fruitful exchanges and the development of a joint mode of action.
The collective had previously sent a list of its main demands and the elected officials present thanked it for this preparatory summary work. The main demand, the establishment by the State of the new PPRN of marine submersion in anticipation, was the subject of a constructive exchange and a common position on the need to write a new PPRN for Saint- Martin. Discussions also focused on various areas of concern reflecting a deep and long-standing social crisis.
At the end of this meeting, the elected representatives and the members of the Têtes ensemble collective heard that the central question, which was the trigger for the demonstrations, remains the Plan for the prevention of natural risks (PPRN) in anticipation, in that 'it engages the future of our island and its inhabitants, both economically and socially. The fears about the possession of the land and its dwelling are real.
The State has decided to send a mission this week, led by the prefect Dominique Lacroix, intended "to give an opinion on the provisions of the new PPRN". If the State has so far refused to hear elected officials, members of the collective and the population, who have been asking for several months the withdrawal of the PPRN in advance, it is with full responsibility that we have decided together to welcome this mission in order to once again carry our vision of our territory and its future.
Be heard by the State ...
Behind this, a deeper social crisis has arisen. This is unfortunately not new for Saint-Martinois. The Community has been working hard for several months, despite the obstacles it encounters, to establish a proactive policy that meets the challenges of the territory and the legitimate expectations of the population.
Numerous social, economic and youth-friendly actions have already been implemented by the Collectivity and retraced in the Budget Orientation Debate validated by the Territorial Council on December 20.
Concrete measures are already planned for the first quarter of 2020.
1- As part of the poverty plan:
- Support for the creation of Nursery Assistants Centers (MAM) to improve the provision of early childhood care in the region
- The sustainable and voluntary third-party system for social assistance to children
- The Young Major Contract to extend the support provided to young adults until the age of 21, within the framework of social assistance for children.
- Strengthening the fight against RSA fraud
2- The social policy of the Collectivity provides an axis dedicated to the social and solidarity economy and social innovation:
Five actions will be launched in the first quarter of 2020:
- The creation of a civic mission Environment and Beautification of neighborhoods
- The establishment of a personal assistance service dedicated to our seniors (service to facilitate the travel of our seniors)
- The creation of a Territorial Center for Social and Solidarity Economy (CTESS) to structure this economic sector and support project leaders and companies
- The opening of a social and solidarity grocery store for families in difficulty
- The organization of Social and Employment Meetings soon. The objective is to work in conjunction with the districts to collect their needs and identify additional actions to be carried out within the framework of social policy.
3- In the field of education
- Validation with the INSPE of the training of teachers for the CRPE 2020 competition to help prepare the competition for our registrants.
- The installation in 2019 of educational games in the kindergartens of all our public schools.
4- In the area of vocational training
- The establishment of a Conservatory of Arts and Crafts in Saint-Martin. The meeting, on December 20, with the deputy director of the national CNAM, made it possible to define the conditions for installing this tool.
- The Collectivity has already established its 2018-2020 Professional Training Plan, to enable Saint-Martin residents to improve their skills in a field of competence. Several qualifications are open, 26 training modules are currently available to promote the skills development of Saint-Martin residents.
The Collectivity and its elected officials intend to amplify their efforts with new actions planned for the next two years, and take up the challenge of this social crisis that has been refused for too long.
In the same way that it very recently signed the Convergence Plan with the State for the development of public infrastructures including a number of social, educational, or even sports facilities, we propose to the State to support the Collectivity, in respect for everyone's skills, through a Social Convergence Plan.
This will have to be developed in partnership and will be the subject of a regular presentation to the population.
However, it is important that everyone takes their share of responsibility in the social situation.
Thus, in a constructive but uncompromising dialogue, the State will be asked to take full responsibility in sovereign fields such as the fight against illegal immigration, the fight against crime and narcotics as well as the maintenance of security. and public tranquility.
The elected officials, in response to the members of the collective, propose to give themselves the same duration as the PPRN mission, to concretely finalize this social convergence plan, ie three months.
The Collectivity thus undertook to set up working committees to move forward on the claims falling within its competence.
Thus a working committee on the theme of Youth will be installed from mid-January under the aegis of the 1st Vice-President Valérie Damaseau.
A working committee on the theme of urban planning will also be set up from mid-January, under the aegis of the 4th Vice-President Steven Patrick, to deal with questions related to construction rules and the regularization of titles on the area of 50 geometric steps.
The Collectivity is committed to renewing the permanence of the urban planning service in the districts to allow people residing on the 50 geometric steps to obtain an individual meeting to discuss their situation and be informed of the steps to follow to regularization.
We recall here the strong will of the community to regularize as soon as possible the titration of plots located on 50 geometric steps, within the framework provided by law.
In return for the commitments they have made, the elected officials of the majority convincingly ask the collective Têtes ensemble to intervene to lift the blockages envisaged and to interact with public services so that the complete cleaning of the Sandy Ground district can be carried out quickly, and thus allow the population to return to their usual living environment.
In accordance with the collective's declarations during this meeting, the Jérôme Beaupère and Aline Hanson schools in Sandy Ground are not blocked by the demonstrators, they will be able to reopen their doors as of Tuesday, January 7, 2020, the time for the services of the community of '' cleaning classrooms in accordance with mandatory hygiene procedures.
This meeting therefore made it possible to initiate a joint modus operandi with the members of the Collectif Têtes Ensemble to achieve a PPRN respectful of the specificities of Saint Martin and to move forward on the social demands falling within the competence of the COM.
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