The trade wind blows hard enough and gradually digs the sea. The already fairly strong east-north wind will strengthen even today and tomorrow, resulting in a deterioration of the state of the sea.
The expected wind strength is 40 to 50 km / h on average, with gusts frequently reaching 70 km / h, and sometimes 90 km / h when passing showers.
In recent days, the sea was already strong and chopped in a swell of trade winds of 3m50 to 4m. This sea should generate a lot of agitation on the shores exposed to the east-northeast wind. The moorings of the boats will be very solicited. These wind and sea conditions will persist for several days, at least until Tuesday. Yesterday, the surges on the beaches became more consequent, due to the arrival of a swell from north to northeast coming to be added to the swell of trade wind lifted by the wind. _AF
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