Following the request for assistance from the RSMA by the Prefecture of Guadeloupe, which ensures the management of crisis management since the classification of the epidemic at level 4 on December 13, 2019, an operational agreement was signed last weekend between l 'ARS Guadeloupe, Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy and the RSMA Guadeloupe in order to strengthen the staff dedicated to vector control in the field.
As part of this agreement, thirty young RSMA trainees will be trained by ARS experts to:
- Information and awareness of the public, met door-to-door, on the right preventive measures (protection against bites, elimination of breeding sites, encouragement to consult a doctor in the event of persistent symptoms)
- Mechanical elimination of breeding sites or, where appropriate, larvicidal treatment for those which cannot be eliminated (high breeding sites or gutters located less than 3 meters from the ground)
- If necessary, the insecticide treatment of the home.
The ARS thus undertakes to train the personnel proposed by the RSMA, the supply of equipment and the financing of the operation.
These interventions, implemented in addition to the field operations carried out for several months by the ARS, will make it possible to continue and intensify the anti-vector strategy on historical or emerging active foci of dengue - one of the means the most effective in limiting the spread of the virus throughout the country.
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