EMPLOYMENT: The Community focuses on training


On Wednesday September 06, 2023, the Community organized a press conference focused on two central themes: the start of the school year and the start of professional training.

After having detailed the concrete actions of the COM concerning the start of the school year in our previous edition, it is time for the training measures. The Community has decided to redouble its efforts to offer a particularly diverse range of training courses, with the aim of reaching as many people as possible. Martine Beldor, president of the Employment, Skills, Training committee, spoke in detail about the training currently offered by the COM. Back to school is synonymous with new things. In 2023, the Community devoted a budget of €2M to professional training and placed emphasis on qualifying but also innovative training, in the digital and health and social fields in particular. The nursing assistant training has already received 74 applications. A selection phase will make it possible to choose the 24 people selected this year. The first training course for Commercial Flight Personnel (PNC) welcomed 15 trainees for a month of theoretical training before moving on to the practical phases. For innovative training, the Community has agreements with several training organizations: Fore IDN, La CLEF, Pépite Académie, Sandy Bay Learning and Events, Hunnex, Fore Iles du Nord and JIELLE Formation. The objective is to offer a range of training covering numerous areas of expertise. The PASS Training offers particularly interesting training opportunities. 100 places are available, 80 with the Mission Locale and 20 at Pôle Emploi. The first 15 PASS have just been granted in partnership with the Mission Locale de Saint-Martin. The establishment of the CARIF OTEF of Saint-Martin is also a considerable asset in structuring the training offer in the region. Thanks to this system, the Community will benefit by January 2024 from the 1st catalog of training courses in Saint-Martin. President Louis Mussington, who wanted to thank the commitment of his teams, recalled the investment of the COM which grants significant resources to the training of Saint-Martin residents. His dearest wish is to be able to offer training opportunities to all those who wish to train and access employment. _VX

Infoline: 05 90 29 59 24 – formations.pro@com-saint-martin.fr

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