It is now three months since the PEP Collective was born following a UPESM meeting which brought together a large number of parents, children and teachers who were very worried in the first days of the new school year and faced with the very optimistic discourse of elected officials and of National Education.
Since then, we meet every week, we visit the establishments, we meet the Heads of establishment, we participate in all the Ad-Hoc Commissions within the establishments, commissions organized by the Prefect and bringing together (theoretically) elected parents, member of the Collective, pupils, representatives of the COM, representative of the Rectorate and Mme la Préfète. The purpose of these Commissions is to reference the work to be carried out and to monitor its progress.
Results: Progress is undeniable, victories that reward our actions and encourage us to continue our fight for the youth of Saint Martin.
However, 3 months later we are fed up!
Fed up :
- To note that the COM no longer attends the committees and does not even deign to respond to our 2 meeting requests
- To note that even the simplest work, and yet relating to student safety, is not carried out:
- Remove the stepladder located on the roof of the Cité scolaire, which could fall on a student
- Clean tarpaulins full of stagnant water and therefore mosquitoes
- Remove broken gutters that threaten to fall
- Ensure classrooms are cleaned
- Make sure that the emergency exit gates are easy to open
- Make sure the fire alarm bells are working
To accept:
- That the science labs at Soualiga College not be given for lack of rooms
- That 2nd year students still do not have their 3 hours of exploration teaching due to lack of rooms
- Terminal classes for 37 students
- Slowness of the work (small and large)
- Hypocrisy, sufficiency or the "resignation" of some
- To note that the COM is not present at all the Boards of Directors
We ask everyone to stay mobilized, not to accept the unacceptable, to testify, to share.
We invite you to meet this November 26 at the Cité scolaire (the time will be communicated later) for a meeting organized jointly by the UPESM and the Collective. This meeting will present the new office of the UPESM and take stock of the situation of the establishments 3 months after the start of the school year.
Let’s mobilize together for the youth of Saint Martin!
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