The President of the CCISM, Angèle Dormoy, accompanied by Luciana Raspail, administrative and business support manager, traveled to France last week to attend 3 events.
Monday, October 10, 2022 – General Assembly of ACCIOM (Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry Overseas – PARIS)
ACIOM's mission is to represent and defend the interests of overseas companies with CCI France and the public authorities. It is therefore an essential support body for our territories. The members of this assembly made up of Guadeloupe, Martinique, Réunion, Guyana, Wallis and Futuna, Mayotte, Saint-Barth and Saint-Martin met in order to hold the general assembly of the association which would make it possible to decide on the following points :
• Vote on the last meeting minutes
• Election of the new office
By unanimous vote the new office entering for a mandate of 2 years is:
• President – Reunion CCI: Mr Patrick ROBERT
• Vice President – CCI of Guyana: Mrs Carine SINAI
• Treasurer – CCI of Mayotte: Mr. Mohamed Ali Hamid
• Secretary – CCI of Saint-Martin: Mrs Angèle DORMOY
This assembly continued with a meeting of the Minister of Overseas Territories, Jean-François Carenco. Moment of exchanges on the actions of the association and presentations of the important files in progress. Congratulations to the new Bureau, on the move for our overseas companies!
Tuesday, October 11, 2022 – CCINERGIES – PARIS
It is in a conference format that the President of CCI France Mr. Alain DI CRENZO wished to bring together all the representatives of the CCIs of the Territories of FRANCE as well as the partners in order to present the action plan adopted in September 2022 in Extraordinary general meeting. It is therefore with this objective that the work carried out over 6 months was shared in order to inspire economic players. Following the example of the new modifications made by the PACTE law, the President sends a strong message which is the collective commitment through an action plan to structure the companies. He recalled that the CCIs are economic tools that strongly contribute to the creation of value, investment and employment. They must rely on proximity to their nationals. A morning rich in exchanges, which allows the CCISM to strengthen its actions in order to support its businesses in Saint-Martin even better.
Thursday October 13, 2022 – 5th edition of the National Conference on Natural Risks – STRASBOURG
The President of the CCISM was invited to speak at the 5th edition of the National Conference on Natural Risks on the theme "How to reduce the vulnerability of companies in the face of natural disasters". A subject on which the CCISM has demonstrated its mastery and responsiveness. For her speech, the President first wanted to share her experience on the passage of hurricane IRMA and demonstrate the resilience and ability of our companies to recover from this devastating disaster. By highlighting the expertise of the CCISM and the responsiveness of its employees to support companies, the President was able to present the actions that have been deployed and those that have been put in place to raise awareness and prepare companies (before, during and after). It also took the opportunity to raise the issue of obtaining professional insurance in the territory by sounding the alarm so that our territories can benefit from the same advantages and protections as companies in France. She concluded her speech on the short-term programs and actions that the CCISM intends to deploy on this theme of natural risks: services to strengthen the preparation of companies (training, diagnosis, support) / meeting with insurers.
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