1st Festival of "Languages ​​and Cultures" 2022: the mixture of cultures always enriching for everyone! 


While India was honored at Lycée Robert Weinum on Friday April 8, the closing day of the 1er Festival of "Languages ​​and Cultures" organized by the National Education in Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy, high school students from a second class were invited to a cultural discovery that did not leave them insensitive.

Indeed, Mr. Habassi, associate professor of physical sciences at the Roche Engraved College in Moho, had made the trip to share his Kabyle culture with passion and pride. Architecture, crafts, fashion, language but also gastronomy were various areas of presentation that a delicious snack made up of typical breads and cakes had come to conclude. 

the 1er Festival of "Languages ​​and Cultures" 2022 colorful and rich in learning translates well the quote of Antoine Saint-Exupéry "If you differ from me, my brother, far from harming me, you enrich me".

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