Official launch of the Antilles-Guyane hub for digital inclusion


On Thursday, February 20, during the visit to Guyana of Cédric O, Secretary of State in charge of Digital and Sybeth N'Daye Government spokesperson to take stock of the deployment of digital technology in Guyana, the Digital Pass and the Antilles-Guyane HUB "for inclusive digital technology"  were officially launched at the Collectivité Territoriale de Guyane.

• Encourage coordination of digital inclusion projects

Territorial structure, on the scale of several overseas territories: Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique and Saint-Martin, the “Antilles-Guyana Hub for an inclusive digital” brings together public, private and associative actors in order to network them and create new digital mediation offers in the territories concerned.

It is therefore a question for players in the digital mediation sector of setting up digital access points and providing training to meet the needs of citizens. A sector that is still too fragmented and heterogeneous, the Antilles-Guyana Hub for inclusive digital technology will allow better harmonization and coordination of players and the pooling of specific skills such as training or project management.

After the address by the Secretaries of State, the president of ANIS Saint-Martin lent himself to a presentation of the system, the challenges associated with it and finally the "youth" approach undertaken in collaboration with the community on this issue. and which follows various observations:

- Digital technology is considered a vector of employment by young audiences

- Young people encounter difficulties in the use of digital tools as part of their approach to access to autonomy

- For many young people, mastering digital tools is geared towards leisure and much less towards other functionalities and other useful services

The President of ANIS Saint-Martin described the work axes of the HUB in Saint-Martin to help the Collectivity, which was represented at the event in question by the director of the “digital economy mission”, Mr. Jean-Pierre RAZIN ; and local actors to reduce the digital divide, given the digitization of public action, training needs and the shortage of actors: identify the actors, pool and bring added value to actors, help create of shared service centers and finally assess the efficiency and provide feedback.

• The Digital Pass

In the presence of the Prefect of Guyana, the President of the CTG and many local actors, Cédric O recalled the national challenge of the inclusion of digital technology on French territory (Metropolis and Overseas) since 13 million of our compatriots feel still far from this digital transformation of public policies.  "Make every citizen feel like a citizen"  facing this political strategy of 100% dematerialization.

In the territories of the Antilles and Guyana, 450 citizens (including 000 people in Saint-Martin) are affected by electronic engineering.  Unemployment, precariousness, poverty, isolation and lack of training are factors of this exclusion from digital technology. Not to mention the low presence of digital mediation spaces and access to the Internet still difficult in some cities.

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