The "Overseas Campus" event, which took place last Saturday in the gardens of the Overseas Ministry in Paris, was a great success. Hundreds of students, including Saint-Martinois, were present to better prepare for their return to school. Update with the Saint-Martin association Pelicarus, one of the partners.
“Each year, more than 25.000 students from the overseas territories leave their families, their friends, their landmarks, their territory, their home, in a word their land, to come and continue their studies, their training, but also their life of a young man or young woman in France ”, underlined the Minister of Overseas George Pau-Langevin at the beginning of his speech, during this campus, co-organized by the ministry and the association of young people of Guadeloupe (AJEG). This event gave participants a large number of avenues for successful study. “Settling in France and above all finding accommodation is difficult, it is the main concern of students, explains Gaël Gombs-Gumbs, co-founder of the Pelicarus association, who is studying in Lyon. We helped these students well during this event, because we have a good address book, especially with the CROUS. We hope to sign agreements with student donors in order to facilitate their procedures. ” In early 2016, an orientation-oriented event should see the light of day in mainland France, organized by Pelicarus.
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