Deconfinement: The lifting of cross-border controls will take place on June 2, if all conditions are met


The deconfinement continues in Saint-Martin with the re-entry of pupils of 6th and 5th in public colleges and the reopening of beaches and pleasure boating.

If the health situation remains satisfactory, a next phase will be implemented on June 2, notably the authorization of professional navigation and other nautical activities.

In addition, the lifting of cross-border controls will also take place on June 2, 2020, if all the conditions are met.

The memorandum of understanding in the health field is being finalized between Saint-Martin and Sint Maarten

A working meeting was held on Friday, May 22, between the Regional Health Agency and the Ministry of Health of Sint Maarten to set up a common doctrine, guaranteeing the monitoring and control of the health situation. A new exchange is planned for Tuesday, May 26 to coordinate testing strategies, contact tracing and the terms of the fortnight. The signing of this shared memorandum of understanding is expected in the coming days.

Lifting of the fortnight with Guadeloupe and Martinique from May 25, 2020

Given the stabilization of the health situation, the fortnight obligation after a trip between Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy was lifted on Monday, May 25. For travelers from metropolitan France traveling for a compelling reason on our islands, the principle of the fortnight is maintained. This is done at home, associated with a protocol of screening tests (D + 1 and D + 8). In accordance with the provisions of article 5 of decree 2020-548 of May 11, 2020, only travel authorized for compelling personal or family reasons, an emergency health reason or a professional reason that cannot be deferred. People who travel for one of these reasons must complete a declaration on their honor, bring supporting documents for the emergency and their place of residence. Other trips (tourism, leisure, family visits, etc.) remain prohibited until further notice.

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