On Wednesday May 10, the prefect Vincent Berton went to meet the operators of the "Farm4You" aquaponic farm, accompanied by the head of the territorial unit of the Directorate of Food, Agriculture and Forestry, Mikhail Pantchichkin.
Loic Artsen and Ena Lake welcomed the representative of the State in the presence of the president of the Collectivity, Louis Mussington then, proceeded to the field visit. "Farm4You" is an autonomous farm in energy, thanks to the installation of photovoltaic panels, and in water collected in a well, purified by a reverse osmosis system, enriched by means of an elaborate process of contribution in nutrients from fish farming, and redistributed in a closed circuit without chemical inputs or pesticides.
This exemplary site now produces nearly 4000 salads, mint and basil per week and offers its products for sale to catering professionals and individuals alike.
Congratulations to "Farm4You" for this bold and innovative company that contributes to the food resilience of the territory.
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