Back to school 2019: A word from the rector, Mostafa Fourar


Back to school time 2019 has come! The opportunity for the Rector of the Guadeloupe academic region, Mostafa Fourar to take stock of this new school year.

“Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy are indeed part of the Guadeloupe academic region and the educational policy which is carried out there is part of the academic project which is itself the declination of national policy.

However, the specificities of these two territories are such - notably in Saint-Martin - that we are obliged to treat them in a particular way. If the priority objective remains the improvement of school results, particularly in the field of mastering the French language, we have decided to achieve it to design and implement specific actions that take into account the reality of these two territories.

The first of these realities is multilingualism. To take just one example, in the Quartier d'Orléans college in Saint-Martin, more than 80% of students speak English in their families. How then to teach French by making this reality a force and not a problem? This is one of the first challenges to be taken up, in particular for teachers whose teaching practices have had to evolve.

The second of these realities is the incredible heterogeneity of the students, whether social, cultural or linguistic. And it is this heterogeneity that can be associated on the one hand with the priority education map (1), on the other hand with academic results below national and academic averages, in particular CP assessments / CE1 or at the DNB.

The third of these realities is the geographic distance of the Northern Islands from the rectorate of the Academy of Guadeloupe. This distance can create strong disparities, particularly with regard to the training of National Education staff who do not enjoy the same rights in this area. This is also true for relations with families, for example for the registration of pupils.

This is how, in the context of the declination of the academic project on Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin (D'PASS), I wanted many actions to be implemented to take into account the specificities of the two territories while remaining within the framework of national and academic educational policy.

Finally, the administrative organization of the national education service will experience, in the coming weeks, an evolution in its structure and in its scope of action. My policy aims to bring our administration closer to families on subjects concerning enrollment and schooling in particular. It also plans to deploy a new form of local human resource management so that staff working in the public service of national education find local contacts who can answer their questions and assist them in their efforts. The principle of unity of the academic region does not exclude recognition of the specific features of Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin. The representative of the rector will be elevated in the functions of vice-rector in order to draw the consequences of the statutory organic law which established Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin in overseas collectivities with special status. The exercise of its missions will be carried out under my authority and with a view to administrative, school and educational progress ”.

(1) At the start of the 2018 school year, establishments in Saint-Martin located in priority education enroll 67,5% of middle school students and 84% of 1st grade students in the territory.

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