New governance at the Red Cross of Saint Martin: Pursue its mission towards the populations


On the occasion of the establishment of the day reception center, the new president of the Territorial Delegation of the Red Cross in Saint-Martin, Ketty Karam, highlighted the activities and actions implemented locally .

For Ketty Karam, the development and the permanent presence of the French Red Cross teams, for several years, on the territory, "clearly demonstrate the desire for unity and universality towards vulnerable people". For the president of the Red Cross of Saint Martin, the island is an example of the diversity of the populations who live there, "with their diverse and varied problems, sometimes amplified by climatic conditions specific to our geographical area". And to recall the rapid assistance deployed by the French Red Cross, as well as the devices put in place to improve daily life during the passage of cyclone Irma.

The inauguration of the day reception center formalizes one of the systems carried by the Territorial Delegation of the Red Cross, “thanks to the commitment of the thirty volunteers who participate in the activities. It complements day and night raids, breakfasts, social work, clearance sales, training for users, as well as the important part of the emergency. ” Actions carried out by volunteers who are linked to the Social Pole's facilities, which have a free STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections) screening center, consultations carried out with populations through the Health Bus, a Health Center , support and prevention in addictology, a Youth Health Space which has recently developed actions on parenting.

According to President Karam, it was thanks to the commitment and availability of the volunteers, under the leadership of President Jocelyne Berchel, accompanied by Juliette Scarano, that these activities were able to be put in place and organized, with the competition for Red Cross employees in Saint-Martin, under the direction of Thierry Fauveaux.

The new governance put in place three weeks ago has taken over, assures Ketty Karam, “it has set itself the objective of continuing actions and of doing everything possible to ensure that the Territorial Delegation of Saint-Martin fully assures its mission in the direction of the populations ”. Mission set up in partnership with the authorities, institutions, associations, professionals, etc., "while retaining, however, its independence".


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