MARITIME: The Port of Saint-Martin collaborates in the launch of Interamericas Gate


Last Tuesday, during a digital press conference, the five major players in the port economic observatory project formalized Interamericas Gate

Project developed by the Antilles Guyane interport coordination council in 2018 and funded by Interreg Caribbean, a European regional development fund, Interamericas Gate is a data bridge between the main ports of the Caribbean which will aim to facilitate interport exchanges and improve mutual knowledge of Caribbean ports. The digital platform, which will be active in 2022, will collect data in order to better monitor and analyze port traffic, inventory regular shipping lines and share regulatory changes.

This tool will also allow the pooling of data, market studies and environmental assessments through dynamic visualization between the five partners: Grand Port Maritime de la Guyane, Grand Port Maritime de Guadeloupe, Grand Port Maritime de Martinique, the Port of Galisbay in Saint-Martin and The Digital Innovation and Advanced Manufacturing R&D Center at Carribean Maritime University in Kingston, Jamaica. Philippe Lemoine, Chairman of the Management Board of GPM de Guyane,  Jean-Pierre Chalus, Chairman of the Management Board of the GPM of Guadeloupe, Jean-Rémy Villageois, Chairman of the Management Board of the GPM of Martinique, Albéric Ellis, General Manager of the Port of Galisbay of Saint-Martin, Erica Simmons, Executive Director of the CDIAM and many speakers at the press conference expressed their enthusiasm for working together to optimize interport relations and detailed the specifications and the schedule to come. Representatives of Saint-Martin and in charge of the communication part of the first module, Albéric Ellis and Ambroise Lake, territorial advisor, highlighted the unique aspect of the territory of Saint-Martin, whose smallness of the ports should in no way limit its ambition to grow.


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