The president, Daniel Gibbs and his first vice-president, Valérie Damaseau spoke live, Monday, May 25, on the occasion of the 8nd Weekly COM live point of the Community.
The decisions of the Territorial Council of May 20
To record support for our population in the context of this crisis, the Territorial Council met on Wednesday, May 20, by videoconference broadcast live on Facebook.
We voted for a fundamental deliberation which financially confirmed the strong response of the Collectivity to the health crisis that we are going through.
On the social level, the deliberation that we voted provides for the sum of € 106000 for the Solidarity pact implemented since the start of the Covid19 crisis, to support the most vulnerable.
We have decided to continue this social support until further notice.
Our services have been mobilized since the start of the crisis to provide this assistance provided by the Community.
For information, we distributed 338 food parcels last week as well as 22 meals prepared by CTOS. The home shopping service is also maintained.
We also entered the sum of € 186000 to finance the operation Friendly Students which comes to the aid of students in difficulty with an exceptional grant of € 500 per student, in the context of this crisis. The Executive Council has also activated this device by a deliberation voted Friday, May 22.
Since the start of the crisis, the Community has spent € 332325 for protection against COVID19. This sum was entered in the budget and allowed the acquisition of a resuscitation ventilator, an anesthesia ventilator for our hospital, but also screening machines, serological test kits, disposable masks, masks in fabric for schools and the general public or for sanitary products.
On the economic level, you know, the Collectivity has unlocked an exceptional fund of 5M € for companies in difficulty. This fund, which complements the Solidarity Fund of the State in which the community participates financially, is distributed in the form of loans of honor at O rate through the ADIE and the platform Initiative St Martin Active.
When a community of 37000 inhabitants makes an effort of € 5 million from an already tight budget to help its businesses, this reflects a strong desire to support the economic sector. This is not the case everywhere else.
Of this € 5M, € 2.5M will be released this week, via loans of up to 15000 euros made available to local businesses by the Collective.
Another part of the fund will be dedicated to investment aid for shops and restaurants, thanks to the enlargement of the "Mon Beau Commerce" scheme.
We have also worked on economic recovery and the development of public procurement to support our economy.
Investments under the multi-annual investment plan - The PPI - represent 22 million euros to be committed by the end of 2020, i.e.:
- 5,2 million euros for schools
- 4,2 million euros for public infrastructure such as lighting or the rehabilitation of the Fort Louis marina
- 3,7 million euros for sports infrastructures such as the reconstruction of the Thelbert CARTI stadium or the creation of the nautical basin
- 2,5 million for road repairs and road signage
- 1,7 million for public space
These carry-overs of appropriations and the recording of expenses directly linked to the Community's response to the health crisis, thus give rise to the first modification decision of the primitive budget 2020.
Our budget now amounts to:
- 60 million euros in the investment section
- € 157 million in the operating section.
The deliberation was voted unanimously, it is important to emphasize this.
As a second point, the Territorial Council voted unanimously to deliberate on the date of payment of corporation tax.
Following the deliberation adopted during the Territorial Council of April 14 having postponed to June 15, 2020 the date of filing of the corporate tax, the elected officials decided to postpone the date of payment of the Corporate Tax, to 30 June 2020, thus giving companies the time necessary to complete their procedures.
Companies in difficulty can request the postponement of the payment of the Corporate Tax until December 31, 2020.
We remind you that in order to obtain payment deferrals from the TGCA, the Patente commerciale and the Corporate Tax, entrepreneurs in difficulty are invited to fill out the online form on the Collectivity website and return it to the center of public finances.
Economic support for businesses
We were alerted by a large number of companies who allegedly received a rejection notification from the Directorate General of Public Finances (DGFIP) following their request for assistance from the Solidarity Fund-Covid19, for the month March 2020.
The National Solidarity Fund reports to the French Ministry of Finance and Budget, and locally to the DGFIP. We therefore spoke with Mr. Alain Contant, payer of public finances to have the elements of understanding faced with this high number of rejections.
During the examination of the files by the services of the Center of public finances, it appeared that the majority of the refusals was related to the absence of payment of the license fee and contribution of the patents (DLCP) in 2019.
As in all French territories, companies requesting public funding must attest to an up-to-date fiscal situation in order to benefit from public aid.
Consequently, in order to be able to benefit from aid under the solidarity fund for the month of April 2020 and for the month of May 2020, and under the additional aid paid within the framework of Strand 2, we cannot that advise the companies concerned to regularize their situation, by filling out the 2019 DLCP form to download from the Collectivity website and to deposit it in the mailbox of the Public Finance Center or by requesting a moratorium.
In addition, we invite companies to update their tax contributions but whose request has been rejected to contact the Public Finance Center for information on their file.
The contact email address is:
The framework of life
At the end of last week, the delegation received the plumbing and electrical work in all the school buildings.
The delegation is putting in place, as of this week, the schedule of work scheduled in schools during the summer holidays of July and August. This mainly involves work to bring standards up to standard and renovate buildings.
The envelope provided for in the 2020 budget for the rehabilitation of educational establishments amounts to 5M €.
After 32 months of work, the Collectivity carried out 95% of the landfill site for electrical and fiber networks.
This is a major achievement for our Collectivity, which the day after Irma, chose to bet on the burial of 100% of the networks to offer a better service to its citizens and also protect the population in the event of a cyclonic phenomenon.
We will soon come to the end of this major project carried out with our partners, the State and EDF.
We will have completed the burial of 80km of cables. This work completed, Saint-Martin will then become the first overseas territory with an entirely underground electrical and fiber network.
Note also the resumption of certain public worksites: the development of the ravine Paradis in Quartier d'Orléans resumed on Monday, May 18, in compliance with barrier measures and physical distancing.
Other projects of the Collectivity, like that of the Sandy Ground bridge and that of the Marina Fort Louis, will gradually resume in the coming weeks.
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