NURSERY: A device to compensate for the lack of qualified staff


With the passage of Irma, some crèches in Saint-Martin have closed. Today three structures operate on the French side and offer a capacity of around a hundred places. “Which is very little compared to the number of births and the requests on the territory” declares a professional. Between 500 and 600 are on average recorded per year.

If the reception capacities are easily reached, the recruitment of people is on the other hand much more complicated. A director underlines the difficulty of hiring qualified professionals locally. To be able to work in a crèche, a CAP in early childhood, a state diploma as a childcare assistant or early childhood educator is compulsory. 

Faced with this shortage of personnel, the government decided to authorize the recruitment of unqualified people. Derogations from the conditions of diplomas can be granted to people according to their training, their past professional experience, etc.

People will benefit from employment support during their first 120 hours of professional practice. 

To see if the device will also benefit the structures of Saint-Martin.


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