Improving the daily life of people with autism: this is the objective of the “Dans Ma Bulle” Association!


On the occasion of a brunch-conference organized on Sunday, July 28 at the CCISM, the brand new association “Dans Ma Bulle” presented its project to the various social, health and education stakeholders in Saint- Martin.

This association, which works to improve the daily life of people with autism, has emphasized its values, the activities it plans to offer to families,  young adults and children.

Personalized  invited parents shared their stories, their daily life not always obvious, often sown with doubts and disappointments, but always full of hope.

These testimonies made it possible to realize and better understand the difficulties encountered by these families, who often find themselves poor in the face of a lack of psychological and material assistance.

Their speeches gave rise to a need to be listened to, accompanied, supported, understood and welcomed without judgment.

Among the forty or so guests present were SESSAD, ARS, the Pôle Solidarité Famille, the Rotary Club, etc.

The president, Karine BALTYDE, as well as the members of the association "Dans Ma Bulle"  feel invested in order to offer the long-awaited help to the families concerned as quickly as possible.

• contacts:

The president : Karine Baltyde, +590 690 95 72 69

The Vice-President: Patruska BOLT, +590 690 54 39 10

The Secretary : Joelle FRANCILLETTE, +590 690 73 46 97

The Treasurer: Natacha JACCA, +590 690 96 06 82

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