LOCAL LIFE: Youth made aware of the dangers of pollution


As part of the training for the Professional Certificate for Youth, Popular Education and Sport, Aquatic Activities and Swimming, Abiola Dessout, future lifeguard, presented this Sunday, March 12 her awareness day on the protection of the ocean on the Galion beach.

During this morning entitled “Save Your Ocean! », Abiola, assisted by a motivated team, welcomed 18 children aged 6 to 10 on the Galion beach in order to raise their awareness of eco-responsible actions, the preservation of biodiversity and the disastrous consequences of pollution on the oceans. . The children quickly discovered the ravages of this scourge caused by humans and boats that pollute every day. The accumulated waste forms a seventh continent called the plastic vortex whose area of ​​1,6 million km2 is three times the size of France. Young people have learned to adopt the right reflexes to limit waste and have a positive impact: throw waste in the new selective sorting bins by now mastering the color codes (grey for non-recyclable, blue for paper, yellow for plastic, red for metal and green for glass), use water bottles instead of plastic bottles, use reusable cutlery, tote bags or shopping bags and favor the wooden toothbrush. Other panels made by Abiola were placed on the Galion beach, including one containing the glossary of the morning's keywords: waste, biodiversity, flora, fauna, pollution, recycling and selective sorting. Through a playful game, the children were then divided into groups in order to begin activities such as BingOcean. Provided with a card listing several elements, each group started looking for different waste hidden around. Through this exercise, the children were able to identify waste and sort it wisely. After a snack to regain energy and sharpen their concentration, the youth got ready for the Grand Triathlon concocted by Abiola: run, swim, pick up some waste and put it in the right sorting bin.

The children did not lack speed and motivation for this aquatic activity combining physical effort and education. With the waste collected during the animation, the little participants created a collective work of art. After a quiz where the holders of the correct answer won a symbolic medal, each child proudly received a “good sorter” diploma. Abiola would like to thank the Tous à l'Ô association for its logistical support, Cécile and Jennifer for raising awareness and carrying out the activities, the support of the public as well as her training colleagues for their help in terms of surveillance and water games. _VX


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