During the territorial council of January 19, René-Jean Duret pointed out that “there has been no resignation of elected representative from [their] group of seventeen members, since [their] election in 2012 " He also stressed that "this stability of the majority group was a great first in the history of our Community." The fact remains that the majority ends their disunited mandate.
Jeanne Vanterpool, Alain Gros-Desormeaux, Ramona Connor and Antero Santos Paulino divorced their president and did not choose to renew their commitment with him for the next elections. The first having decided to play alone by setting up its own list (New Direction), the other three having joined their leader, Alain Richardson who presents a new list (On the march towards progress). Within the majority, three new lists have been created. (More details on www.soualigapost.com)
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