HEALTH: Associations are mobilizing as part of World Diabetes Day


As part of World Diabetes Day, the local Lions Clubs have decided to take action to prevent the disease by organizing with health professionals an information and screening day at the Quartier d'Orléans medical office this Tuesday November 14. At the same time, Saint Martin Santé is organizing open days at Concordia.

Every year, on November 14, World Diabetes Day (WDD) is celebrated. This day aims to raise awareness about the disease, its treatment and ways to prevent it. It is carried out at the initiative of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and relayed in more than 160 countries. The theme of the 2021-2023 diabetes days is “access to diabetes care”.

According to the IDF, 537 million adults were living with diabetes in 2021. According to estimates, by 2045, 783 million people are expected to be affected by this constantly increasing disease. In 2021, diabetes caused more than 6,7 million deaths.

Diabetes is a scourge that also affects Africa, with 24 million adults affected, a figure expected to double by 2045.

In Saint-Martin, diabetes affects one in two families. As such, awareness, prevention, information and diabetes screening actions will be organized this Tuesday, November 14 in the region. Like the Lions Clubs of Saint-Martin who are mobilizing to fight against this real scourge. An information day on the disease and screening will take place all day this Tuesday at the Quartier d'Orléans medical office. Information, prevention, care and support for patients are essential aspects to reduce the disease. The Saint Martin Santé association is also working around World Diabetes Day by offering an open day in the Concordia premises. From 9 a.m. to 16 p.m., the public is invited to meet the Saint Martin Santé team chaired by Chantale Thibaut at 45 rue Louis-Constant Fleming. On the program, numerous demonstration and information workshops which will revolve around diabetes and chronic pathologies, screening, treatments, good actions to adopt to live well with the disease, the importance of regular physical activity and a healthy and balanced diet. Meet this Tuesday, November 14 at Saint Martin Santé in Concordia from 9 a.m. _AF & Vx

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