League Against Cancer (SXM Branch): Come to the Beach Hotel this evening at 18 p.m.


The antenna of the League against Cancer of Saint-Martin is organizing its 4th "Aperitif-Debate", this evening, at 18 pm, at the Beach Hotel, in Marigot.

You are or have been affected by the disease, come and exchange with other people facing a similar experience, in an atmosphere of warm solidarity. Gentlemen are also welcome!

At the request of the participants, it has become monthly instead of every two months ... it is a moment of free expression, between patients undergoing treatment, patients in remission or cured, their relatives, a psychologist, the new hospital oncologist.

Everyone expresses themselves freely, sharing their anxieties, their questions and their "tips" to face Cancer and its treatment in a less painful way.

This group of words constitutes a real therapy for some who no longer even communicated with their loved ones.

It is sometimes beneficial to meet people who are in a similar situation. Sharing experiences can be a good source of support!  _AF

For all information and reservations: call

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