The hygiene of the oral sphere influences many diseases


Next Wednesday, January 8, Dr. Catherine Rossi, dental surgeon, will give a conference at the CCISM. Catherine Rossi ensures that her mission is to make people aware that their teeth are super important. Scientific manager of a blog, author of two books on dental health, Dr. Rossi takes advantage of each trip, private or professional, to spread the word about the importance of the oral sphere.

Faxinfo: Why a conference on teeth?

• Dr. Catherine Rossi: During this conference, I will discuss the secret of healthy teeth. I'm going to explain what teeth are for, what are the links between teeth and health and then, I'm going to give you the keys to everything that people can do every day to improve their dental health, from birth to adulthood. I will explain what are the key stages in life when teeth can suffer the most, and the moments in life when you can do something everyday to improve dental health for life.

Faxinfo: Can poor oral health cause certain health complications?

• Dr. Catherine Rossi: Tooth problems can cause endocarditis, heart attacks. For diabetics, if there are gum problems it prevents diabetes from stabilizing. Pregnant women who have gum problems are seven times more likely to have a premature delivery. Psoriasis can be linked to dental problems. All that is tendonitis, back pain problem, are related to the balance of the mouth. We must also pay attention to the metals that we have in the mouth, because for a very long time we treated the mouth with metals.

Faxinfo: Are fillings involved in the general health of a person?

• Dr. Catherine Rossi: Fillings are amalgams that contain mercury, which causes electric fields in the mouth. Mercury is ingested when you put the amalgam and then especially when you remove it. This is a message that I would like to pass on because, starting from good intentions, when we want to have the amalgams that we have in the mouth removed, if the dentist does not take special precautions with an operating field, with a special suction, with patient protection with a charcoal mask, well the patient swallows as much as he has in his teeth, and it is even worse than not removing them. When we swallow mercury, it gets into the intestines and it enters the circulation again which will block all the receptors for minerals and histamines in the body. This is called heavy metal poisoning. It also kills the microbiota, that is, all the bacteria in the intestines, which are important to us and to our health.

• Faxinfo: Classic toothpastes are also subject to discussion…

• Dr. Catherine Rossi: I'm going to talk about toothpaste, and all the products they contain, lauryl sulfate1, triclosan2, titanium dioxide3, which are endocrine disruptors and which are toxic to health.

Interview by RM

1 Lauryl sulfate is a highly irritant product.

2 Triclosan is an antibacterial pesticide suspected of being carcinogenic.

3 Exposure to titanium dioxide is believed to promote the growth of precancerous lesions of the intestine and disorders of the immune system. The use of titanium dioxide will be banned in food from January 1, 2020, but not in cosmetics, including toothpaste, and medicines.

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