Territorial continuity: The State strengthens its action


In order to adapt territorial continuity to the needs of Ultramarines, the Ministry of Overseas Territories launched, on January 28, 2020, a broad reflection on the changes to be made to the national policy of territorial continuity.

Following work carried out with parliamentarians and representatives of local authorities, several simplification and more favorable measures were decided upon.

Four flagship measures to retain resulting from the changes in this reform

From now on, for the territorial continuity assistance system and for the funeral assistance system within the framework of funeral continuity, a single amount of assistance will exist for each overseas territory. This amount represents approximately 40% of the average purchase price of the plane ticket noted on each route.

Overseas residents wishing to resort to aid for classic territorial continuity, or funeral continuity, funerals and aid in transporting bodies, will have to prove a family quotient less than or equal to 11 euros.

Doctoral and post-doctoral students will have recourse once a year to aid for territorial continuity, artists and cultural actors twice a year, while young hopefuls in sports, four times a year. These groups will be able to use all of LADOM's mobility devices during the same calendar year.

In order to better support families, funeral assistance has been extended to three levels, first of all the brothers and sisters of the deceased are now eligible, travel can be done as part of a last visit to a loved one, and finally travel becomes possible between overseas. The support will then amount to 40% of the price of the return plane ticket.

To discover the evolutions of this reform in their entirety, refer to the following links: https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/jorf/id/JORFTEXT000043715443, https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/jorf/id / JORFTEXT000043715485, https://www.ladom.fr/actualites/detail/article/letat-renforce-son-action-en-faveur-de-la-continuite-territoriale/

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