The media were treated to a guided tour on Wednesday morning of the school complex located in La Savane on the initiative of Michel Sanz, the representative of the rector of the Academy of Guadeloupe. This visit was “essential” to silence the controversies relating to student safety and the condition of the facilities, according to Michel Sanz.
“Some comments made about this establishment created fears, in my opinion unnecessary. I regret this extreme dramatization, which was unfounded. The demands of the teachers' intersyndicale were legitimate and will be taken into account, explains
Michel Sanz in front of the media, the principal of the school community Frantz Gumbs and a delegation from the Collectivity. All these rumors have reduced the importance of this historic event for Saint-Martin, students and teachers. It's not about hiding reality, we know there are still areas for improvement. ” Frantz Gumbs adds that “teachers are well aware of this break-in period”. Before the official opening of the establishment, the services of the rectorate mobilized for several months to assign teachers and staff, supported by the Collectivity.
Some work and adjustments to be made
Last Monday, the teachers' intersyndicale - which had announced a strike notice - was there to take stock with the principal. “The Collectivity traveled with a very large number of its executives, which had the merit of reassuring the teachers as to the will and the commitment of the COM in order to solve all the problems”, specifies Mr. Gumbs. The school complex is certainly functional, but there are still adjustments to be made - including the commissioning of the elevators, because there is no telephone inside yet, and the relocation of the chemical cabinet in the science room (one of the complaints of the intersyndicale) - and work to be finished on the football field and athletics track.
The media first discovered the teachers' rooms, pleasant and refined, and the room where the city's technical installations are located. Students and teachers will have access to the internet through fiber optics, explains the principal, adding that the telephone system is “very efficient”.
The visit continued at the documentation and information center (CDI), a beautiful workspace soon to be finished, and in a 6th grade class. “Classes can accommodate up to 35 students. In the 6th grade, there will never be more than 24 students, says Gumbs. Fans have been installed in all classrooms which are mostly 60 m2. ”
A jump was then made in a science laboratory, then in the dining hall of the students and teachers which will offer nearly 600 meals per day between 11:30 am and 13:45 pm. “Nearly 500 students will have lunch on site”, notes the principal. The fans and the shutters provide a certain freshness, and the space is welcoming for the meal break. Finally, the multi-sports ground benefits from a constant breeze, pleasant for physical activities.
The only downside to note, which should soon be resolved by the Collectivity, some students - returning home on their own - hitchhike or wait for the bus along the national road. Sidewalks and barriers are the order of the day for better security.
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