ENVIRONMENT: Organization of a cleaning campaign on both sides of the island


The services in charge of the environment within the Dutch government wish to limit the use of single-use plastic on their territory. They also contacted Pascale Laborde, the elected representative in charge of the environment within the Collectivity after her intervention during the territorial council on the issue.

“They want us to set up joint actions to raise awareness among the population and professionals,” explains Pascale Laborde. A first information campaign has just been launched throughout the territory. This action follows on from that already carried out last year at the time of the carnival in St Maarten.

Another campaign will be organized at the end of November still on both sides of the island, but it will be a clean-up campaign similar to those already initiated in the French part in 2017 and 2018. Associations, citizens, elected officials will be invited to attend. participate. The departments of the COM and the government of St Maarten are working to organize this action.


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