SXM Sports Movements: Helping young people through sport


The SXM Sports Movements association is an association which has just had one year of existence. This young association wants to change a certain mentality that there is in Saint-Martin, and sport would be a good way to achieve this. Meeting with Julius Richardson President and co-founder of the SXM Sports Mouvement association.

“We realized that in order to be able to change the sport on the island, you need a lot of support, in the sense that the sport is battered. Young people, before starting to play sports, were not motivated. But thanks to the tournaments organized by the association SXM Sports Movements we manage to recover, with these young people, the spirit that there was in Saint-Martin when we were younger ”.

Sundays are devoted to adults who participate mainly in futsal and baseball matches and Saturdays, throughout the summer, are dedicated to a championship in which more than 400 young people participate, mainly in baseball competitions, soft-ball and futsal.

“During the day of the championship we offer food and drink, free of charge, to young people. Thanks to this approach to sport, we want to redevelop sport in the region, ”assures President Richardson. But to get there, "we need the cooperation of the island as a whole, to be able to stimulate sport on Saint-Martin".

Julius Richardson says that “we have young people who come without equipment, with damaged shoes, but they are present. Some do not eat regularly at home, because they are young people from disadvantaged neighborhoods, Sandy Ground, Agrément, Quartier d'Orléans, Grand-Case, who do not have any help. Many come from families who are in difficult economic situations. We try to help them as best we can. Young people are suffering, and no one helps them, and in the association we know the suffering they endure ”.

The President of SXM Sports Mouvement would like "to be able to equip all these young people who come to play every Saturday, because we have realized that through sport there is a lot of wills and talents".

The leaders of SXM Sports Mouvement wish to thank “the Prefecture, the prefect Sylvie Feucher and Dominique Blanchard who support us, as well as the Collectivity, in particular the vice-president Valérie Damaseau, Wendy Gumbs and Charles-Henry Palvair, because they are very present and want to develop the sport. We also want to thank the parents, the sponsors, the Saint-Martin Football League, the UFOLEP and all those who support us in one way or another ”.

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