A general inspection mission thus went to the field for several days in order to draw up an inventory. The damage was assessed as well as the resistance capacity of the built structures. More than 20 dwellings were observed and their construction analyzed (architecture, roof, materials used, etc.). From these observations were defined techniques to be implemented and recommended materials to be used. The report of this general inspection mission must also define an action plan and use of the financial aid that the State will provide. "The report of the general inspection mission must be delivered by the end of the month," says Philippe Gustin, interministerial delegate for the reconstruction of Saint-Martin. "A second report must be made at the same time, this is the new hazard map," says Philipe Gustin who will write a summary of all the elements analyzed and observed in mid-November. (More details on www.soualigapost.com)
Coronavirus: 70 soldiers from the 33rd RIMa arrive as reinforcements in Saint-Martin
One of the objectives of their mission will be to deploy an advanced medical post in case of need. "It is not a question of worrying but of anticipating for ...
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