All about the Imago method


If you want to give more meaning to your couple or engage in a fulfilling process for two, the Imago method should please you. For the first time in Saint-Martin, Claude Parisot, supervisor of Imago certified therapists in France, will give a conference this evening at 19:30 p.m. on the theme “How to thrive as a couple and in all relationships thanks to Imago?”, At the 'Le Beach hotel in Marigot (participation € 10). This therapy, developed in the United States in the 80s, offers “relationship tools that can very quickly be used in everyday life. The partners themselves become the builders and healers of their relationship ”, according to the Imago France website. An internship will also be offered at La Plénitude at Friars'Bay from December 9 to 11 (reserved for couples). For more info, contact Laure on 06 90 61 65 46. _EH

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