One year after the successful merger between Pôle emploi and Cap emploi, this new edition of the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities (SEEPH), from November 20 to 24, 2023, is an opportunity to take stock and measure its impact on recruitment.
For this Mobilization Week, Pôle emploi and Cap emploi are organizing numerous concrete actions together to facilitate access to employment for people with disabilities. Since October 2022, Pôle emploi and Cap emploi advisors have supported all job seekers with disabilities in a single support location (LUA), their Pôle emploi agency. In Guadeloupe and Saint-Martin, 5 Cap emploi advisors work in close interaction with the 47 “Disability-dominant” Pôle emploi advisors to support job seekers and support employers in moving towards more inclusive recruitment.
With this merger, Pôle emploi and Cap emploi are simplifying the procedures for job seekers with disabilities, with the aim of facilitating and amplifying returns to employment. The first results of this rapprochement are already visible. In 2023, the rate of return to employment of job seekers benefiting from compulsory employment will increase by 19,5% in the territory.
The year 2023 was marked by in-depth work carried out with employers. For them, the merger between Pôle emploi and Cap emploi indeed brings the complementarity and the power of the two networks with a single contact, to mobilize all the existing systems and aid favoring the hiring of people with disabilities.
For this European Week, Pôle emploi Guadeloupe, Iles du Nord and Cap emploi, as well as their partners (Local Missions, Agefiph, Fiphfp, MDPH, etc.), are offering more than twenty awareness-raising and put in contact with employers. Agents from Pôle emploi and Cap emploi are also participating on November 23 in the DuoDay operation, which allows the creation of duos between a person with a disability and an employee of a reception structure to introduce their profession for a day . In 2022, nearly 100 duos have been realized in Guadeloupe and Saint-Martin thanks to Pôle emploi, Cap emploi and the APF France handicap.
The program in Saint-Martin:
Thursday November 23:
Operation DuoDay at the Pôle Emploi agency in Saint-Martin
Friday November 24:
From 8:30 a.m. to 17:00 p.m. at the CCI of Saint-Martin: Participation of Pôle Emploi and Cap Emploi in the “Disability meetings” event hosted by the CCISM. Pôle emploi will speak at the round tables “Access to rights” and “Recruitment and work-study opportunities in Saint-Martin”, and will also host a stand with Cap Emploi.
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