Employment: The CCISM and the Collectivity launch an investigation


As part of a global policy of forward planning of jobs and territorial skills, a survey in the form of a questionnaire is proposed. The Collectivity of Saint-Martin and the CCISM are joining forces to implement an approach to promote reconciliation between the skills of Saint-Martin residents and the current and future needs of employers in the area.

“Also, for this approach to be effective, we are relaying a survey aimed at more precisely identifying your human resources issues and identifying your current and future recruitment needs,” explains the CCISM.

In practice, the deadline for returning the survey is September 17, 2021. "Remember to click on" Done "at the end of the survey when you have answered all the questions, to validate the sending", indicates the CCISM.

Strong participation in this survey will make it possible to propose actions that are as close as possible to the needs of employers in Saint-Martin and will thus allow more Saint-Martin residents to find a job.

This survey is accessible by the following link:  https://fr.surveymonkey.com/r/GPECTCOMFR

For all questions :

- Technical concerning the completion of the survey: Yann Marchat, Consultant at the firm Terre d'avance which accompanies the COM: y.marchat@terredavance.com / + 33 1 55 35 38 40

- Concerning the process: Junisa Gumbs: GPECT and Future Executive Officer at the COM: junisa.gumbs@com-saint-martin.fr / + 590 690 28 03 17 (possibility of being assisted when filling out the questionnaire).

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