Carbets of the soundtrack: Guillaume Arnell raises the tone


During the press conference on the blue zone, the vice-president of the Community Guillaume Arnell took the opportunity to clarify the situation concerning three restaurateurs installed with carbets from Orient Bay who “sow discord”.

Three dissatisfied restaurateurs did not want to sign their occupancy contract at the carbets de la BO, particularly because of the price of the rent. “I want to re-establish a certain number of untruths”, indicates Guillaume Arnell. After drawing up a history of the site, the vice-president specifies that the Collectivity is putting an end to the practice of subletting, a device that some have been using for many years by offering exorbitant prices. “If they want to go to the showdown, well we're ready to go,” he adds. The three restaurateurs have indeed threatened to block. After a review by the Executive Council, the rent for restaurateurs is now 2200 euros per month. “We have at least 80 applications for people who want to pay that price or more,” says Arnell.

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