A road safety charter installed near schools


Present at the press conference on June 27, Andy Armongon, representative of National Education, presented the charter of respect for the highway code which will be installed in front of schools in the territory from the next academic year.

Entitled "Hey, check it out", the charter of good behavior on the road focuses on four priority points: wearing a helmet, compliance with regulations, dangerousness, maintenance and insurance of vehicles. With strong messages in French, Spanish and English, the charter is reinforced with illustrations with drawings made at school by 6th, 5th and 4th year students which show negative images and good behavior to adopt. Another interesting aspect that hides behind the charter which targets college students whose age is essential to integrate the right gestures, it is intended to be lively and interactive. Equipped with a QR code, it provides access to educational documentation so that the promotion of road safety is not limited to school premises but beyond. This specific prevention action near schools is particularly aimed at parents who bring their children on two-wheelers. _VX

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