How to assess your blood alcohol level


Saturday, at the “Health prevention village” at Sandy Ground, alcohol addiction will also be on the program. The care center for addiction care and prevention (CSAPA) in the Northern Islands, located at the Sida / Les Liaisons Dangereuses association in Marigot, receives many people dependent on alcohol. 

"Alcohol is the first addiction that is represented in our consultations," says Frédéric Olivo, coordinating doctor at CSAPA. It is for this reason that we will raise awareness in the village with the CSAPA team on alcohol units, which remains a great source of calories in the daily ration of individuals. Many alcoholic people also become diabetic. For a chronic alcoholic, it is estimated that 70% of his daily calorie intake is consumed in the form of alcohol. ” To measure its consumption, the World Health Organization (WHO) fixed the “unit” of alcohol, which more or less corresponds to 10 g of alcohol.

1 unit = 1 glass of 5% beer (25 cl) = 1 glass of wine or 12% champagne (10 cl) = 1 glass of 20% aperitif (6 cl) = 1 glass of vodka or whiskey at 40% (3 cl). Alcohol kills 3,3 million people worldwide every year, warns the WHO. And remains one of the leading causes of hospitalization in France, with an estimated cost of 2,64 billion euros in 2012, according to a study published last July in the Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin (BEH) of the Institut de health watch (InVS).

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