Regulation: The COM will charge the edition of international permits and the reissue of suspended local permits


The edition of international licenses will be invoiced 25 €, and the reissue of suspended local driving licenses, 100 €.

The territorial council which met on July 1 unanimously decided to charge 25 euros for the edition of international driving licenses and 100 euros for the reissue of suspended local driving licenses, issued until then free.

The COM issues an average of thirty international permits per year. These licenses, valid for three years, and which are issued on the sole condition of holding a local or national license, are generally required to be able to drive in most foreign countries. The new price of 25 euros corresponds to the cost price.

“Revenue for the COM should be modest, of course! In the order of € 10 per year.

From now on, however, invoicing these services is a question of principle: it appears, in fact, desirable to set up fees justified by the service provided and the work of the COM agents. »Declared the president of the COM at the beginning of the deliberation. "We are not trying to make a profit on it, but simply that it does not cost us" he insisted.

The COM issues around 80 suspended local licenses per year, and will now charge their reissue at the same price as the duplicates, i.e. 100 euros, considering it illegitimate not to charge the reissue of the driving license in the event of a traffic violation. .

“This measure is also intended to dissuade the behavior of violations of the highway code, which, it should never be forgotten, bruises and bereaves, every year, too many Saint-Martin families. "Advanced Daniel Gibbs who called this deliberation" common sense ".

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