Education (Academic project 2020-2023) Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin contribute!


Last Thursday, November 7 marked an important step in the development of the 2020-2023 academic project since all the actors concerned were brought together in a “basin meeting”, four in Guadeloupe, one in Saint-Martin, in order to make a first summary of the many contributions made through multiple meetings held within the academy since the start of the school year.

It is a strong desire, several times renewed, of the rector of the Guadeloupe academic region Mostafa FOURAR: to ensure that the new academic project is the fruit of collective reflection and a reflection of the diversity of our territories.

As a first step, concertation around PROJAC with the national education staff of Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin and our partners took place, before the All Saints holidays 2019, in the 18 schools, the 4 colleges and the 2 high schools in Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin. A framework for this consultation was proposed around 4 axes which emerged during the many meetings and which prefigure the 4 axes of the future PROJAC:


• AXIS 2 - ROUTES TO BE SAFE in a “protective” living environment

• AXIS 3 - HUMAN RESOURCES TO BE BETTER DEVELOPED in the service of student success


These meetings were key moments, both in the exchanges and in the proposals, demonstrating the dynamism of the educational communities of the Northern Islands and especially the shared will to get involved to improve the existing.

Like what has been put in place in the four academic basins of Guadeloupe, the meeting of the North Islands basin brought together more than 50 people (head teachers and assistants, school directors, members of the SENIDN team, etc.) in the beautiful renovated room of the  Quartier d'Orléans college to synthesize all the contributions collected.

The three basin coordinators, Janine HAMLET, principal representing the high schools, Leela CONNOR-HANSON, principal representing the colleges, Dominique BOYER, IEN representing the schools, as well as Guylène BUSSAC, IA-IPR referring inspector of the EPLE of Saint-Martin, animated the four workshops which were constituted according to the 4 aforementioned axes.

The workshop work made it possible to synthesize the contributions of each educational establishment, to enrich and to propose concrete avenues that will feed the future academic project.

At the end of the workshops, the four facilitators were able to present the summaries of the work, which will be given to the rector.

IA-DAASEN, Michel SANZ, closed this basin meeting by welcoming both the involvement of each and the wealth of contributions. "The work has only just begun, because now it is up to us to draft the future three-year strategy while respecting all of these consultations and everyone's contributions."

The next step, that of the writing of the project itself as well as its presentation on December 18 by the rector, will precede the development of the declination of the academic project for the territories of Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin (D'PASS ), scheduled before the Carnival holidays (thanks to Olivier BEAUFOUR, Continuous training coordinator for staff and D'PASS).

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