WEATHER: There is still no station in Saint-Martin


Météo France usually reports cumulative rain and wind speed on its reports. For example, in its 6-hour bulletin, Météo France reports that 28 mm of rain fell in Gustavia. The data relate only and always to Saint-Barthélemy for the simple reason that the island has a station unlike Saint-Martin.

For years, it has been impossible to measure the wind speed (the station at Grand Case airport does not work) and to measure the amount of rain that has fallen because there are not the necessary instruments on the territory.

In theory, the collection of climatological data, the development and maintenance of an observation network are the responsibility of Météo France. Météo France is a public administrative establishment (EPCA) which has administrative and financial autonomy but whose budgetary means are limited.

The lack of observations and data is filled by those of Gustavia. However, it could prove problematic if the territory needed to prove the wind speed or the amount of rain that fell in the case of, for example, reconnaissance in a natural disaster. (

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