Reading accessible to all thanks to the book boxes!


To take precedence over the movement of book exchanges which is flourishing in towns and villages, a book box has been installed in Marigot!

This is the good news for readers who read this new year: books are our health's allies! According to Yale researchers, reading more than 30 minutes a day would help extend life expectancy by about two years, reading would also reduce heart rate and relieve muscle tension; insomniacs are not left out because reading would also help them sleep better!

Unfortunately for our health, "The Rotary Club Of St Martin Sunset" installed a bookbox on the Marigot Sea Front. The principle is simple: we bring a book, we leave with another.

In addition to this book box, there are also three other book exchange points: the store "La Boîte à Thés", located rue Kennedy in Marigot, the store "Living Home" in Bellevue and finally for the books of children, the “Chat Perché” store at Hope Estate.

Elise Terrasson, explains that this concept of exchanges was born after Hurricane Irma: the media library being closed, there was a strong demand from people to create a place for exchanging books ”, she thus specially dedicated a space in her “The tea box” shop where anyone can borrow, offer or exchange a book.

Since then, the concept has progressed, notably thanks to the Facebook page "SXM Book Hunters", this page devoted to reading also allows group members to share the books they are looking for, exchanging or giving away.

To promote reading and that it remains accessible to all, it would be appreciated if other exchange points become available, everyone is therefore invited to contact Elise Terrasson to offer their place!

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