Guadeloupe, place of an innovative clinical trial for survivors of the 2015 attacks


Thirty-six survivors and witnesses of the November 2015 attacks in Paris, including that of Bataclan, will be in Guadeloupe from November 18. They will participate in a clinical trial around diving, intended to treat their post-traumatic shock.

Next November 18, 36 survivors and witnesses of the attacks will fly to Guadeloupe, for 12 days. Not for vacation, but to participate in a clinical trial around diving.

50 survivors of the Bataclan attacks applied to participate in this study. 36 of them were retained by the medical team, based on their level of post-traumatic stress and their physical condition.

Frédéric Bénéton, the engineer who is piloting the “DivHope” project, has neither the intention nor the claim to cure PTSD, post-traumatic shock disorder, just with diving. He simply hopes, and it is already a lot to improve the quality of life for patients. The scientific study in question consists of using new diving techniques coupled with techniques from sophrology, meditation or sports conditioning.

Because diving seems to be an effective tool in the management of emotions, stress and trauma. Enveloping effect, weightlessness of the liquid medium, cardio-respiratory regulation… All these elements are undoubtedly involved.

Why ? How? 'Or' What ? This is what the study should allow us to understand.

The results, if convincing, could be extended to other populations, starting with the military, returning from the war zone or rescuers, after a mission on a natural disaster.

It will be the first global clinical study on this subject.

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