950 companies and 4 employees benefit from partial activity


950 companies benefited from the partial activity system in Saint-Martin on April 27, i.e. 141 companies more in 13 days (+ 17,4%). As of April 14 *, 809 establishments had seen their request validated by the Dieccte (management of companies and employment), 14 files were awaiting examination and 3 in the course of examination.

Today, there are 4 employees concerned (+ 778% or + 22 employees), or 869% of the active population ** having a job. In terms of hours, more than 41,5 million hours are unharmed.

"Five sectors represent 80% of the authorized workforce: accommodation / catering (27%), trade and repair of cars and motorcycles (18%), administrative, financial and other service activities (17%), construction (13 % ° and manufacturing industry (7%) ”, comments the Dieccte de Guadeloupe.

By way of comparison, following the passage of Irma, 705 Saint-Martin companies and 5 employees had benefited as of May 404, 3 from partial activity. Today the number of employees placed in partial activity is 2018% higher than in the post Irma period, 11,6% more companies have also requested the system.

* Date of last reported figures.

** The active population with a job is 11 people in 501, this is the last official figure published by Iedom

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