ITSEE: decreasing population, increase in vacant housing


After a first part developed in our edition last Friday, here is the continuation of the analyzes of the Territorial Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (ITSEE) concerning population density and housing in Saint-Martin between 2014 and 2020.

With a breakdown of Saint-Martin in the form of 8 IRIS (blocks grouped for statistical information of at least 2.000 inhabitants each) proposed by INSEE in 2004 and currently being updated, ITSEE notes an average population density of 612 inhabitants/km2. The change in the population between 2014 and 2020 is down by 12,9% for IRIS la Savane/Grand-Case/Anse Marcel/Cul-de-Sac, and by 17,4% for Terres Basses/Baie Nettle /Sandy Ground, only IRIS Spring/Concordia is up 10,5%. In terms of age groups between 2014 and 2020, a decrease of 19% appears for those aged 0-24, of 13% for those aged 25-54 compared to an increase of 20% for those aged over 55. The average age increases by 2 years, 33 in 2014 to 35 in 2020. In terms of socio-professional category, 14.290 inactive in 2024 (16.398 in 2014), 2440 retirees (+2%), 3574 workers (+3%), 5567 service personnel and employees (-14%), 3536 executives, liberal and intermediate professions (-1%) and 2005 artisans, traders, business leaders and farmers (-14%). The sectors of activity that have seen significant growth since 2014 are agriculture, livestock breeding and fishing with 30% and construction with 41% compared to a drop of 28% for the accommodation and catering sector. The education levels in 2020 show a big difference between Saint-Martin (17% Bac +2 or more), Guadeloupe (22%) and the mainland (32%) against 43% (no diploma, BEPC, college certificate ), 39% and 26% for the three respective zones.

Who are the new residents in the territory in 2020?

Following a breakdown by place of previous residence, 51% of new arrivals come from mainland France, 26% from the French Overseas Territories and 23% from abroad. On the housing side, there were 17.157 housing units in 2020 in the territory of Saint-Martin (-1% over one year, -3% over 6 years and +5% since 2019): 12796 main residences, 1688 secondary residences and 2672 housing units. vacant (+18%). The latter show a very strong increase over a decade: +59% of vacant housing between 2009 and 2020 (16% SXM, 14% Guadeloupe, 8% France). With an increase of 24% for Marigot Est&Nord, 19% in Terres Basses/Baie Nettlé/Sandy Ground, and 18% in Grand Fond/Belle Plaine/Oyster Pond, vacant housing is a real problem for Alain Richardson: “The center of Marigot has been emptied of its population due to recurring problems of inheritance or others, given the big housing problem in the region, there is reason to think, we must bring vacant housing back into supply.” The IRIS with the most housing in 2020 is the Savane/GC/Anse Marcel/Cul-de-Sac area with 4371 (+2%). The IRIS Terres Basses/Baie Nettlé/Sandy Ground has 2401 (-16%) and 2701 housing units for Spring/Concordia which, once again, offers an increase of 21%. Contrary to popular belief, the trend in Saint-Martin is towards rental: 65% tenants, 28% owners and 6% free accommodation. In Guadeloupe, the percentage of owners is 59%, 36% are tenants and 5% are housed for free. _VX

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