HEALTH: What if we talked about support at the end of life?


A delegation from the Ethical Reflection Space of Guadeloupe and the Northern Islands (EREGIN) is organizing this Friday, October 13 in the Opal room of the CCISM a debate with the population in connection with the end of life and all the questions that this raises .

Choosing to die when you have an incurable illness is a debated question in France. While waiting for the legal framework to evolve, some patients choose to die abroad while others do so in France completely illegally. In preparation for months, the end-of-life bill was recently submitted to the President of the Republic by Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, Minister Delegate in charge of Territorial Organization and Health Professions.

The establishment of a right to active assistance in dying in France is being demanded by patient associations who wish to be able to freely choose the conditions for their own end of life. As part of the national campaign on end-of-life support deployed last February, EREGIN, created in January 2015 and whose role is to encourage and coordinate initiatives in matters of ethics in the fields of health sciences. life and health, offers this time for discussion with the support of the Territorial Health Council of the Northern Islands and the Regional Health Agency (ARS). A first session will be held on Thursday October 12 on the sister island, in Saint-Barthélemy, in the Community Council room, at 17 p.m. The delegation will travel to our territory the next day, Friday October 13, inviting as many people as possible to participate in the 17 p.m. event, open to the general public. Interventions by health professionals will be planned to discuss ethical questions in the professional practices of caregivers, the relationship to death in our West Indian society, the ethics of responsibility, palliative care and the quality of life of the patient. patient at end of life. Also on the program, the screening of extracts from a documentary “End Game” by Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman and a debate in the form of questions and answers on the theme “All concerned. To have one’s will respected is to have expressed it.” Support at the end of life focuses on three pathways: explaining (advance directives, palliative care), understanding (stopping treatments, deep and continuous sedation) and exchanging (support, trusted person). The 11 a.m. session is reserved for healthcare professionals. The Saint-Martin population is invited to participate in the 17 p.m. session at the CCISM, entry is free. The event will end with a snack and refreshments. _VX


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