Health crisis: Departure of Valérie Denux, director general of the ARS


In a press release presenting its wishes for the year 2022, the Regional Health Agency of Guadeloupe, Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy formalized the departure of Valérie Denux, its general manager.

For 2 years we have been living through an unprecedented health crisis. It affects us physically, kills people we love, affects us psychologically, and brings our society and our economies to its knees. It creates tensions in our families, between friends, it widens the gaps between us and threatens us wave after wave. The ARS and health actors are constantly fighting to cushion the shock of this pandemic on our territory. We are exhausted but still convinced that we must be stronger than disease and save as many people as possible. Help us by protecting yourself, especially when you are carriers of other diseases, and by protecting those you love.

This health crisis reveals the best in us through our resilience and our solidarity but it also reveals the worst through threats to hospital directors, caregivers, through ill-treatment of patients (meals not delivered, access to cut-off dialysis. , selection of those who return to the hospital or not, etc.). The 5th wave is here, and all the lies on the social networks of people, whose courage stops at their screens, will not be able to prevent the virus from circulating among us and wreaking havoc.

The ARS and its director general remain on the bridge to protect you and help you as much as possible during this very difficult period that will be the month of January. In addition, after 4 years in the service of Guadeloupe and the Northern Islands, the Director General, Dr Valérie Denux, has chosen to continue her action through new functions resolutely focused on preparing for the future of our country. In addition to the health crises (COVID, Dengue), the consequences of the CHU fire, social crises, she has worked to modernize our health system (parents-children center, construction of the new CHU, multiplication by 10 of houses and health centers, proximity scanners and MRIs, territorial mental health project, etc.). The results are described in the activity reports for 2018, 2019, 2020 and soon 2021. Finally, the 2022 roadmap will be presented by the end of January to health stakeholders to ensure the continuity of the action.

Let us all remain united because Ansanm nou pli fo!

Our best wishes for strength and health in Guadeloupe, Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy.

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