ANIMALS / Soualiga Animal Lovers


Soualiga Animal Lovers is the name of their association which has just seen the light of day, barely a few months on paper but you can imagine that the adventure begins long before. Quickly after Irma, it became clear to them that the number of wandering animals increased in line with the increasing number of abandonments. The thing is that they don't know each other yet at that time! They are each in a corner of the island and take care as they can to try to find solutions while communicating with the same person in Metropolitan France. Jessica is the fourth name in this story. Jessica knows the island well, she lived there, she loves it and she too is touched by the animal cause.

“I was very worried to see a new dog every day at Concordia, after Irma. »Anita

In the emergency, as we have all seen, many actions were carried out to help thanks to the associations and veterinarians of the neighboring islands, of the Metropolis, of the United States, of Canada…. In short, the emergency passed, the situation was no less worrying and correspondence continued between Jessica and our three acolytes. As you can see, Jessica gives the impetus for the meeting, the one that will give the "top" start of the Soualiga Animal Lovers adventure. Once the meeting is decided, they suit all the people they know who are active in the field. All these good wishes come together at La Plantation which served as their HQ for the first meetings, a great gift to start the adventure. For Stéphanie, this regrouping was essential because "there were a lot of scattered initiatives", it was necessary to federate to become more effective.

The work begins!

From there, the association begins to organize and especially takes a legal reality. It is decided that the association will take care of the sterilization of stray cats. As we know, sterilization is one of the keys to solving the problem of wandering. First, it decreases the number of births, CQFD! But it is also the best way to limit the fights during which animals contaminate each other. It also makes it possible to avoid running away from heat which is often the cause of accidents. In summary, sterilization is essential to control animal populations. As everyone knows, there is work to be done in Saint-Martin but the "animal angels" who constitute the association put all their skills at the service of the cause and organize the work rationally. Loving animals is not enough to help them; you also need to be able to take the necessary steps to act effectively.

"Who takes care of stray cats, how many are there, how many need to be sterilized?" "

The census is where the team decides to start their work and it is not an easy task. It must be understood that the association starts, there are only volunteers. So you have to work on your free time, make phone calls, identify the sites concerned and the people hired, move around, check, validate… It is a real work of ants, tedious and thankless but so necessary that one does not would know how to do without it. At present, their census work is not finished but a volunteer has already managed to cover a certain number of neighborhoods. On this basis, the association team has drawn up a planning by sector and by district. The aim of this quasi-martial organization is to be able to act efficiently, it must be possible to use human and financial resources effectively, no question of squandering. You may have understood, between the lines, that Soualiga Animal Lovers has some good managers! At present, the structure has the budget necessary to finance 22 sterilizations by prioritizing the females. You should also know that part of their budget is reserved for rescues. And yes, even if the object of the association concerns the sterilization of stray cats, it is impossible to remain unmoved in an emergency situation.

However, even if these "animal angels" will never drop an suffering animal, it seems preferable to help them carry out their primary mission at the risk of seeing this beautiful energy wither away under the far too heavy load of animal cause as a whole.

A great need for support

Like the Angel Pet Sitter association, of which we have already drawn a portrait, Soualiga Animal Lovers needs support. We are facing a problem that is growing day by day and that will end up causing great damage if no one takes care of it. These associations offer a service of general interest and need our support. If you are sensitive to the cause because you love animals or because you see the health problem emerging, you can support them financially. Soualiga Animal Lovers has created a leetchi fund. You can also contact them via their facebook page. We remind you that donations to associations are deductible from your taxes up to 60%, understandably ... _NB


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