Local life: The need to develop sporting and cultural activities for Saint-Martin youth


The Executive Council analyzed, on Wednesday, June 3, the grant allocation files for associations operating in the fields of Youth and Sports, for the 2020 budget year.

This deliberation made it possible to grant the sum of € 641 distributed among 000 associations which organize throughout the calendar year, sporting and cultural activities for the benefit of the inhabitants.

“We made the promise in 2017 because we are convinced of the need to develop sporting and cultural activities to promote personal development, self-esteem but also to occupy healthy youth with playful activities and identify our young talents "Says Daniel Gibbs.

“This is a whole process on which we have asked the teams of the Community to work and we are hopeful that at the end of this mandate, the major sports infrastructures will be rebuilt, with a wide range of activities for our young people .

The involvement of associations is fundamental, and that is why we have chosen to support them and to grant, each year, several breakdowns of grants for a total amount of 3 million euros.

With regard to support for young people, we asked the Youth and Sports Department to study the possibility of organizing sports and cultural activities for children, during the months of July and August, while respecting the news. sanitary rules ”.


The Sports Tickets system, much appreciated by children, will be organized this year over two periods:

- From July 14 to 30 in the morning from 8:00 a.m. to noon

- From July 31 to August 14 from 8:00 a.m. to noon

The care will be from Monday to Friday at the Jean-Louis Vanterpool stadium in Marigot, for children aged 7 to 14 years. We will offer several activities ranging from kayaking to mountain biking, sailing, beach tennis or dancing.

Registration is open from Monday June 15 to Friday July 3. The registration form will be downloadable from the Community's website:


Once completed, the registration file must be deposited with the sports department - Annex of the administrative city at Concordia, or sent by email to the address: jeunesse-sports@com-saint-martin.fr

Parents can obtain all the necessary information from the sports department on 0590 29 59 13.


Second operation for children this summer, the August PEN for the school upgrade which will also be organized in July and August according to the following periods:

- From July 6 to 24 from 8 a.m. to noon

- From August 3 to 21 from 8:00 a.m. to noon

Four reception areas have been defined:

- Clair SAINT-MAXIMIN school in Orléans district

- Elie Gibs school in Grand-Case

- The Emile CHOISY school in Marigot

- Aline HANSON school at Sandy-Ground

Registrations for the August Pen are open on the Collectivity website since Monday, June 15.

We decided this year to offer these activities. Sports Tickets and the August Pen will therefore be free for all children.

Finally, note that the Caisse des Ecoles (CTOS) will organize an extra-curricular reception, from July 6 to 31, in the schools of Quartier d'Orléans, Grand Case and Marigot.

Activities in the summer center will be offered to children who will be welcomed from 8:00 am to 15:30 pm, Monday to Friday. Support for parents is 25 euros per week per child, 50 € for 15 days, 100 € for 4 weeks, meals included.


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