A quarter of the population of Saint-Martin is under 15 years old


The official population of Saint-Martin is on January 1, 2021 of 34 inhabitants according to INSEE. 064% of the inhabitants are under 24 years old, 15% are between 43 and 25 years old and 54% are over 21 years old.

Despite a large proportion of young people, the population is aging: in six years, the proportion of those under 15 has fallen by 4 points and the proportion of those over 55 has increased by 5 points. Saint-Martin now has nearly 1 fewer young people than in 500 (ie 2015) and 8 more people over the age of 339 (ie 1). The 400-55 age group are also less numerous (- 7 people to settle at 054) but still represent more than 25 in 54 people.

Saint-Martin has fewer women today than in 2015 (17 against 904) but almost as many men (18 against 812). In absolute terms, therefore, women are still slightly more numerous than men (16% against 160%).

Regarding the proportion of foreign residents, 3 out of 10 people are of foreign origin and 7 out of 10 are of French nationality according to INSEE. The foreign population now stands at 10 inhabitants, against 215 in 11 (- 314 people). Six years ago, foreigners represented 2015% of the population. (soualigapost.com)

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