After the passage of Irma, it was decided that the territory of Saint-Martin would be fiber, it will be the first in France to be entirely.
In the beginning, only Orange as a network operator was announced to carry out this project. Today other operators are positioning themselves like Dauphin Telecom and THD Tel. How should they organize themselves? In the end how will the fiber be installed? Find answers throughout the week to understand the installation of fiber optics in Saint Martin
What is optical fiber?
Internet is taken to a private individual via cables / pipes. They can be either copper or optical fiber (glass or plastic wires as thin as hair).
The fiber network is independent of the telephone and cable networks.
Fiber optics allow high speed data transfer via light. It offers a higher flow.
We are talking about FTTH networks for fiber to the home, fiber to the home.
Tomorrow: is fiber installation mandatory? (source:
THDTEL is the only competent operator on the island. a real pro