ROAD SAFETY: Driving without insurance is a serious offence!


In Saint-Martin, many motorists are tried in court for "traffic with a land motor vehicle without insurance". They incur serious criminal penalties!

For a motorist or a biker who chooses to drive without insurance, the risks are significant, even apart from an accident. During a roadside check, the sanction for driving without insurance can amount to a fixed fine if it is the first time that this has happened. However, it can go much further, including with prison sentences, if this offense is accompanied by the taking of narcotics.  or driving without a license.


Insurance, mandatory for driving a vehicle

Taking out an insurance policy is a mandatory step for any owner of a motor vehicle. Insurance is in particular compulsory for:

• the Car (private, utility or license-free), tractors and agricultural machinery

• the two or three-wheelers (motorcycles or scooters) and quads, even non-homologated (such as mini-motorcycles for example)

• the riding mowers, provided with a seat which enables the driver to maneuver the machine

• the electric bikes (VAE) whose power exceeds 250w or whose speed exceeds 25 km/h. The insurance to take out is the same as for a motorcycle

• the motorized personal transport devices (EDP): electric scooters, monowheels, Segways, hoverboards.

Driving without insurance with this type of vehicle is an offense that exposes the driver to financial and legal penalties (see details below).


What are the financial penalties if you drive without insurance?

The penalties incurred vary according to the seriousness of the offense and its possible consequences. Even if in France, the victims of a road accident caused by an uninsured driver are compensated by the guarantee fund for compulsory damage insurance (FGAO), driving without insurance amounts to assuming the financial consequences in the event of an accident alone. serious with bodily injury or significant damage to another vehicle. Indeed, if he is not insured, the person responsible for the accident will not be compensated for his own injuries or material damage. In addition, he must reimburse the FGAO for all of the sums incurred by the latter to compensate the victims of the accident he caused.

In the event of a serious accident, these sums can be very significant. The driver responsible for the accident will therefore have to repay a monthly payment calculated on the basis of his income, sometimes throughout his life.


What are the legal risks if you drive without insurance?

The risks during a first arrest:

• L 324-2 of the Highway Code provides that driving without insurance is an offense and can be punished as such by a fine of €3. This fine, pronounced by the court, may be accompanied by additional penalties such as the suspension or cancellation of the license, with the prohibition to retake it and the confiscation of the vehicle.

• At the same time, the law of November 18, 2016 provides that driving without insurance can be punished with a fixed fine. During an inspection and an initial finding of the offence, the police or gendarmerie services may issue a driver without insurance a fixed fine of €500. This can be reduced to €400 for payment within 15 days or increased to €1 after 000 days.


The risks in the event of a new offense

In the event of repetition of the behavior, the criminal response will be more severe, and can go up to 7 € in fine, accompanied by additional penalties such as the cancellation of the driving license with prohibition to retake it, and the confiscation of the vehicle. . _AF


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