Road safety: 60 students from Aline Hanson school graduated from the Certificate of 1st Road Education


Thursday, June 24, 60 students in CM2 classes at Aline Hanson School in Sandy-Ground, received the 1st Road Education certificate.

These 8 hours of training,  6 hours in theory and 2 hours in practice on a road track were given by a team made up of trainers from the “Sécurité Routière SXM” association and teachers.

As of July 1, 2021, 450 students in CM2 classes  neighborhoods classified as Urban Policy or Active Watch (QVA) will have received this training jointly funded by the Prefecture of the Northern Islands and the Collectivity of Saint-Martin within the framework of the City Policy.

On June 30, the “SXM Road Safety” association,  is organizing a new Road Safety Day at the Concordia Media Library for the benefit of the population of this neighborhood and of the Mont des Accords college. The main theme will be "motorized two-wheelers" in the face of the upsurge in accidents  serious or fatal injuries on our roads.

These road safety days will then continue at Sandy-Ground, Quartier d'Orléans and other districts of Saint-Martin.

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