HEALTH: Aquatic activity for seniors this Saturday April 8 at the Hommage Hôtel


The panel of aquatic activity activities offered by the trainees of the Professional Certificate for Youth, Popular Education and Sport, Aquatic Activities and Swimming training continues this Saturday April 8 with Yann Hodge and his morning of health prevention for seniors.

After giving pride of place to children and adults, Yann has chosen to honor the elderly with his morning of aquahealth which will take place this Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Hommage Hôtel de Baie Nettlé whose swimming pool consists of different levels to enter the water, facilitating access for seniors. The participants in this event will come from the EHPAD Bethany Home and associations such as La Couronne and ALEFPA – Le Manteau. Set up by the Collectivity and the Resource Center for Expertise and Sports Performance Antilles Guyane (CREPS), the lifeguard training expects candidates to think, create and carry out an aquatic activity animation project. intended for the public to validate the first two modules of the training. With the enormous support of the Tous à l'Ô association, Yann Hodge will launch his aquahealth morning with aquagym and aquarelaxation, with three 45-minute sessions, the first of which will begin at 9 a.m. The Saint Martin Santé association will also be present at the event to inform the public about nutrition and aging well. Another nice program and the promise of a great event! _VX

 Info: 06 90 23 06 22


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